
Wasatch Back

The Wastach Back is one of those experiences that people who have done it can truly understand.  To be packed in a car with 5 other people with no showers, sleep and fatigued can only be labeled as one thing: Crazy.  This year I ran #10 and was able to score Ragnar hill.  In the van we had Tim, Taylor, Dennis, Joey, and Jake.  

Leg #1:  Leg number one is simple as they come, it mainly runs on the south side of Pineview reservoir.  The thing that I remembered from 2010 was the heat.  It wasn't much different this year except most of my run was in a no support zone, which was fine because I carried my water with me anyway.  

Leg #2: Long story short Tim's wife Becky was in van #1.  As it turned out she actually fractured her femur running her second leg coming down from Snow Basin over Trappers Loop.  So we switched up our strategy a little to help van 1 out.  I ended up taking Tim's leg and he took mine.  I am glad we did because I got to run part of the Echo tri run in the dark.  It was a great experience.  I absolutely love running at night.  I probably wouldn't pick 1am as my start time but it worked out well.  The think I remember the most was the stars and how beautiful they are.  You don't get to see them to well from the valley with all the light pollution.   

Leg #3: After a brief rest at Summit High School we were off to our last and final legs.  Ragnar hill goes along state route 224 from the back side of Holmstead up and over to Park City.  My leg started half way up the mountain.  Wow, what a butt kicker.  I managed to pass a few people but it certainly was nothing to brag about to home. 

Team Hurts So Good van #2 and our massive kill count, mostly thanks to Dennis
When all was said and done it was a great experience with good group of guys.  Although I think Taylors music might have been a bit much for Dennis :).  Van 2 was feeling good and riding high on our accomplishments when someone went and said something stupid.  I don't recall who it was or when it was even said but it went something like this: "Hey guys why don't we do an Ultra next year?"  Well Dennis took this to hart and registered an Ultra team.  So it looks like its going to be another but kicker next year.  Although I am struggling with the idea since I really want to commit to the Squaw Peak 50 that is only a few weeks before.  I guess we will have to see if I am luck enough to get a spot out of the lottery.

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