

A new year, new decisions...

When it came time to think of a title for my end of the year post only one thing came to mind.  Soundtracks...  Or rather Soundtracks of my runs.  It might be corny but I love running to a mix of regular rock songs and soundtracks. For me each run has its own soundtrack depending on its mood, location or effort.  My favorite run is were all the songs that I have on my playlists come together to form that perfect soundtrack.  So I started thinking about my "regular" songs from my playlists that I could pin down for my best runs of this year I had a hard time picking just a few.  But here they are none the less.

#5 - Antelope Island 100k

What else can you say about your first DNF, and why would this qualify for a spot in my top 5?  Well it might sound funny but as I stood there on the top of elephant head everything in the world just felt at peace.  It was one of those moments where I knew that I needed to stop and it felt ok.  I couldn't breathe, I felt like every step on the climb before was a struggle.  Despite not going on I still was able to beat my last years 50k time by well over 20 minutes.  It definitely wasn't the outcome that I wanted. I probably could have walked the course and finished.   But I learned a lot and that is what mattered to me.

#4 - Quest For Kings

This was only my second group run with the Wasatch Mountain Wranglers.  To say I was nervous was a bit of an understatement.  With some prodding from my friend Chris I committed and had a great time.  I had been quite some time since I had been back to the Uintahs.  Its a place that I love and holds a place in my soul with such a strong connection that its hard to describe.  I loved running there, it felt like home and the company wasn't half bad either. I am hoping that Craig puts it on again so I can get back up there this August.  

#3 - Skyline and Sapper Joe 50k

I combined these two runs together because they go together like fire and ice.  Each had its different "feel" this year. I had one heck of a time at Skyline. It was actually a race that I didn't intend on running till I got the itch to try to push myself in preparation for Antelope Island 100k.  The two races were only one week apart, and I got to say that I loved every second of it.  Sapper was another one of those races that was just fun to get out and do.  I did surprisingly well too, compared to what I thought it would be like.  I hope I can do Sapper in 2014, but I am not so sure about Skyline ;).

#2 - Kalalu Trail

I still think about this run often.  Especially when running in sub 10 degree temperatures that have hit us this winter.  The views were simply amazing.  It was a challenging run, one that I hope that I can get the chance to do again.  I don't think my wife would complain about another trip to Hawaii either.  Next time I will just remember to take more food with me! It would be fun to run it with a local that could share the history of the land as you moved in and out of each valley.  Something to think about....

#1 - Squaw Peak 50

Wide eyed and all hopped up on the newness of ultra running I signed up for this race last year in December.  I was simply scared to death and had no idea what I was getting into.  I didn't really know many people who had run ultra's and was completely on my own.  I felt alone and lost in the vastness of everything that I was trying to do.  I simply had no clue.  In retrospect I think it was the best way to run this race.  It had its ups and downs, but in the end when I crossed that finish line and realized what I had done... It was just pure joy. I don't think it could be described any better.

This years stats:
Miles: 1,775.58
Vertical: 269,361

So.. Whats next?  To answer that question... Moab 55k and Zion 100k to start things off for this spring.  Possibly Bryce 50/100...  I would love to shoot for the 100 but the question for me is having a pacer.. Since I haven't done a 100 before it would be nice to have someone with me through the night and possibly another to help me to the finish.  Hopefully I can work out those issues, because I would really like to do Bryce as my first 100.

So here is to a great last year and to a fantastic new year!


Matt said...

Great recap! Glad to get to know you this year! Quest for King's Marathon will be on for sure! :) Sounds like we'll see you at Bryce in some way, shape or form!

Jen said...

Nice recap, Nate. It's been fun to see you reach beyond yourself and try new things. Next year is going to be a good one for you!