
Yellowstone / Jackson

This week we took of to Jackson Hole!  It was about time and we really really needed a family vacation.  We stayed at a condo in Teton Village and it must have seemed like Disneyland to the kids.  They thought it was the greatest thing.  We spend two days in Yellowstone and went until the kids couldn't take anymore. First day we went and visited Old Faithful.  I think the kids thought it was going to be much bigger than it really was.  They were rather unimpressed.  

My dad had given the kids binoculars to use but they couldn't get the concept that they were for looking at distant objects.  They only wanted to use them for looking into the pools and geysers.  It make me laugh, and reminded me exactly what it was like to be a kid.  You look at the world though different eyes. 

The last day we just hung out and relaxed at the pool, rode the tram and went into Jackson.  I did manage to get a run in.  It ended up being my payment run for all the crap I had eaten.  What beautiful country, one day I hope to get a good trail run up in Teton and in the Park.  I did see a couple of people running the trails, made be very envious.  

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