
Timp Summit #3

I was finally able to talk Tim into coming with me up to the timp summit this weekend.  I knew that the trail would be closing on Sunday for a month so I figured it would be a good time to get one last trip in before it closed.  It would also be another good day of training for the Skyline Marathon.  We got up to the trail head at 5:00am, and you would have think we showed up late to the party.  We had to park way up the road to aspen grove and hike over to the Timpooneke trail head. I guess everyone else thought that they should get one last hike in as well.  We got stuck behind two moose on the way up just by the bridges.  

Tim and I on the summit of Timpanogos
Tim did great for his first time.  I thought he was going to kill me for dragging him up there, but in the end we had a good time. I think our total time was around 5 hours.  I forgot my Garmin this trip.  Tim did mention that we got to the summit at 02:40:00.  Its always good to run with friends and share the experience.  Hopefully we can get a bigger group out when the trail re-opens in the fall.

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