
Sapper Joe 50k

Today is Thursday, I have had plenty of time to think about Sapper Joe 50k last weekend.  I have been thinking about what did I learn and what exactly made this race remarkable? It dawned on me today while on a run up American Fork Canyon.  To put it more clearly, it not only dawned on me, but fell, bruised, dehydrated, and bonked on me.  It wasn't the worse run I had ever had, as a mater of fact it was an awesome run.  It was the fact that I wanted to see how far I could take it.

Which brings me to the above video.  Killian Jorent is not only an elite ultra runner, he is just down right awesome.  Some of the things that he does I can only dream about.  The way he runs up hill... amazing.  So there I was on Tuesday.  Yes thats right I am going back two more days to tie today and last Saturday together.  So hold on tight!

Like I was saying, Tuesday I was at work plugging away when I noticed that video on Facebook.  Well it almost made me comatose before lunch, and really got me wanting to run.  Now normally after a run like Sapper Joe I like to take it easy for a week to let the body recover.  But for some reason I decided that it would be a Squaw Peak overlook day.  I kept telling myself to take it easy that I needed to recover.  Well I didn't and I had a blast doing it too.  Long story short, same thing different trail on Wednesday and then again today.

The thing is I know I am not performing at my top level.  My body is tired and for the most part is barely keeping up with my escapades from the last couple of weeks.  But it just keeps going and I am having a great time doing it.  So how does the run today tie back to Sapper Joe?

Sapper Joe 50k Course
Sapper Joe, was it an all out spiritual, epic, PR producing run?  No. I questioned if it was smart or not to put a marathon and then a 50k back to back.  I questioned it even more after my experience at Skyline.  The run after mile 27 became a slug fest.  My body was tired and I knew it.  I knew I could run the distance. I just needed to keep moving.  The best part was that I was still passing people. It felt amazing.  I was drained, and all I wanted was a big huge smoothie and a bath tub full of ice.   So what really was it?
It dawned on me tonight that I had had a conversation about doing a 100 mile run with my wife and it wasn't about just if, it moved to the all important when.  Over the last month, I have been sizing myself up to see if I really wanted to commit.  And tonight I finally realized that I have mentally committed myself to that amazing adventure.  I want it and I have to admit that I am jealous of everyone doing Wasatch next week.  I wish I knew someone and was pacing them.  It would be awesome to be a part of the experience.

The family at the finish
So for now I am going to focus on some great runs in September (in Hawaii) and my 100k in October and planning for next year!  Oh and that handsome guy on the left of the picture.  Thats my dad.  He did the 30k, his longest distance to date.  I couldn't feel more proud. :)